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Sunday, November 21, 2004

How the idea to create computer software for quantitative colocalization analysis came out

Hello Everybody! I have been using confocal microscopes for years and wanted to be able to perform reliable analysis of the colocalization of antigens on my samples. I also wanted to do it on my PowerBook, not on anemic Windows computers bundled with the microscopes. I started researching for the appropriate software, but found nothing, not a single title. Well, I teamed up with friends, and together we have created CoLocalizer Pro, a computer software for quantitative analysis of multicolor confocal fluorescence images. We wanted it to be used by our collaborators and the people we know, as well as by many others we don`t. On April 24, after more than 10 months of development, we offered CoLocalizer Pro to the scientific community worldwide. Its journey to the labs has begun.

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